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Seed of Grace Kenya

Clement Baraza

Kenya is a country with a population of 53,000,000 people. In 2019 we have started a center for orphans and needy children in the neighbourhood of Nairobi. In 2018 the Gospel of Grace reached me personally and I have been so touched by the love of Jesus by hearing the Gospel Grace. My life has never been the same since then. In February 2021 we have received our official registration as an NGO from the Kenyan government. We continue to take care of the needy but even greater we teach them the true Gospel that will bring a true change in their lives.


The future of Seed  of Grace Kenya is greater: 

  • We will start planting churches.
  • Establish a Bible school.
  • Establish a primary school.
  • Support more needy kids. 

As we are feeding the homeless and preaching the Gospel of Grace to these children we believe they would have an encounter with Jesus and serve him in their lives.

Clement Baraza – Represenative Seed of Grace East Africa